Adocmedi Patient Login
Dear patient,
ADOCMEDI is here to help patient to find nearest doctor in town with area and specialty search. Talk with your doctor today to register here. Patient can find their own doctor by entering URL. Now no need to go here and there for asking is this service available in hospital. Everything about doctor patient can find by view profile. Book your reporting time at clinic and if doctor not available in NOTICE section you find details. Take Rx digitally and attach your reports in that Rx your self. So need to worry about which Rx has which reports. As patient add reports even your doctor can find that reports in your Rx in their dashboard.
When we visit a clinic, often it ends with a doctor’s prescription. Usually it’s a piece of paper with inscriptions for betterment of our health. For us, a paper prescription may be an insignificant rise in our carbon footprint. But a doctor who treats thousands of patients, 5 trees a year is what it takes to make his prescription pads.
25 Lakhs of trees are chopped down every year in the world for making prescription pads. The effects of which are piling up in the form of global warming and climate change. Now what if we say doctors too can contribute for a better future by shifting towards Digital Prescription.
With the help of this website doctor and patient both save their time. And by reducing use of paper in the form of Rx we make our environment healthy for our self and for our future. Perhaps most importantly, when we save paper, we reduce the need to cut down trees to make new paper. Producing one ton of paper requires 2-3 times its weight in trees. 17 trees can absorb a total of 250 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year. One tree makes over 8,000 pieces of paper while approximately 1/500th of a tree is cut down for every piece of paper. India consumes around 13 million ton of paper annually is able to recover only between 25-28% which will mean the large chunk of waste paper do not come back to the paper mills for recycling.